MSN Messengar:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Moments Rhymes With Me

Happy - Happy Moments

Do enjoy my words. Please vote for me


What is happiness to me,
In a form to see,
So I may share my moments better.
First I ask,
Prior to this task,
How do I express this in a letter?

How do I say,
The joys of my day,
Surrounded by those I give love.
Family and friends,
Laughing and shaking hands,
In a house filled to the rafters above.

When holidays come,
The mat says welcome,
All rooms are prettied with trimmings.
The men renew ties,
While cooks make pies,
All is kin in family gatherings.

Those are the moments,
Those precious moments,
Forever in my heart and soul.
Written in my blog,
For my memory to jog,
And recollections shine like gold.

A private happiness,
You can probably guess,
Sitting here and making words like these.
Alone with my PC,
That’s happiness to me,
Telling the world of my smiles, I please.

And another I ask,
As I do this task,
What can make me happier today?
Oh, if I could win,
A contest herein,
For the cash reward won’t go astray.

I know for certain,
Delight of my parents,
Is to travel to many exotic places.
I followed them once,
And remembered since,
Being a mule, carrying cups and laces.

It is their pleasure,
To buy souvenirs,
To showcase at home and give presents.
For their joy,
I too have joy,
Even if my back breaks under those presents.

Their passion, their love,
A match sent from above,
I envy them and wished for the same.
A private happiness,
A wish I confess,
To find a man who feels the same.

Oh, another happiness,
For this poetess,
In my day-dreams, I see my mate.
Where he might be,
Who he might be,
If there is one for me, he’s late!

So what is happy?
What makes a moment happy?
Is it spreading joy or to reminisce?
Is it make special,
For special people,
Or to believe in future happiness?

I think, most of all,
In spring, summer and fall,
What makes me happy is happiness itself.
Gatherings and writings,
Travelings and dreamings,
I’m happy to be creative and be myself.


Poetry by Me, Liza a.k.a Quickening, for the Happy Moments Contest!
Artwork design, concept and edits made by me too!
Graphics courtesy of free-art-open-source site, REFMAP! Thank You REFMAP for me to pimp my entry!

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