I’m feeling so freaking drained. A couple hundred of blog-hops ago, Raising Mercury complimented me on my consistently reliable posting habits. TQVM, but she woo-hoo’d me at a brick-wall time.
So what do I do? Here’s a trick.
I get most of my ideas while being outside the PC region. Tiny little idea pop into my head and I file them for storage into a little mental hat-box. Whenever I get a slow day, I pick up a random idea and work from there.
On this fine Saturday, I present to you readers some completely absurd pictures (because I don’t want to write too long... sort of).

Arachnophobias beware!
I didn’t take this picture. Courtesy of my lil’ brother Genius, he takes his class trips all around the UniMalaya campus. This picture is of a friend’s artistic, simplistic (still creepy!) waste of excess plastic ties.
I kind of liked it. Maybe if I have some black marker pen, some shiny black plastic and some white thread and patiently wait for April 1st ... *hehehe*

Real locally sprouted mushrooms.
Check it out! Real wild mushrooms!
Ayah was on a hardware-store trip (again...) when he spotted a senior with an open car booth selling freshly picked wild mushrooms. You don’t see stuff like these in supermarkets (always too fat, too short, to uniformed, too clean, too un-fresh...).
But then again, those are them SUPER-marketed, overly concentrated imported mushrooms.

Malay Mushroom Soup
My dad grew up with these species of mushrooms back at the kampung. His hometown was known as a ‘black area’ (during the 1960s Emergency, communists against the formation of Malaysia hide in Perak state’s jungles). Food was scarce.
But there were plenty of mushrooms. They sprout like durians fruits falling, bloomed 2 or 3 times a year, sheltered in some rotten, nutritious, worm-infested hardwood tree stumps.
Apparently, arwah NekWan made real good but simple clear soup with chopped mushrooms and spices. Mak is still trying to recreate the recipe though, but this one’s not bad at all (yum!). Must be all that earthly, rotting freshness.

Can you believe these at growing in the garden?
Mak cooks, Ayah gardens. You can take the farmboy out of the farm but you can’t take the farm out of the former farmboy.
I have completely no idea where he gets these raspberries but they grow, really, really well. In fact, there’s a small harvest every 3 or so months. We have a bowl of sweet yogurt to share at dessert by then.

This is my youngest uncle and his daughter.
I won’t say their names, mainly because I don’t think my uncle would want his subordinates to know that he snores like a bullhorn. And so does his youngest daughter (actually, her nose whistles when she naps).
These two almost always fall asleep on the couches during the major holidays. PakYong’s job includes a lot of traveling so if we feed him a meal big enough during the Raya Aidilfitri, he snores in less than 30 minutes.
I think my little cousin misses him the most when PakYong travels. This photo is a very regular scene.

I iz Protezin’ Ur Feesh Pond Konstruktion
I was inspired by the blogsite, ICanHasCheezBurger, playing around with cats and their antics. This is the big and beautiful half-Persian with the unfortunate name of Dusty (I named him).
Ever since we moved to Kt. D’sara, he took over the title of ‘HouseCat’ from my older cat, Patchy. We were fixing up the garden, building our own koi fish pond when this fat ball of hidden claw refuse to get up from the cement barrow.
In retrospect, maybe if we just dump the quick-drying cement on him, he’ll probably make a great garden statue for the birds.

Hahaha, not really. But as mentioned, two things come after a rainstorm; mushrooms in the kampung and umbrellas in Kuala Lumpur. This is taken at the main library of UniMalay campus, courtesy of yours truly’s lil brother. It must have been some real wet weather that day.

My jaw froze in the cold Genting Highland wind.
Credits to this blog entry goes to Genius Not-Real-Name. This was on a trip to Genting Highlands... last year me thinks. I was the one who wanted to ride the boat around the lake ride but it seems that he here had the most fun anyway.
I’m putting this picture up because it’s not often he’s in photos, seeing that he prefers taking them. Now I see why. The good little brother just can’t pose.
Note2self: Add MySis’s embarrassing photos into the Hat-Box of Ideas for future blog entries.
2 Minds bloomed here too...:
Raspberries! Anyway, I don't think I can grow anything as well as my maternal grandmother b/c I'm not really the kind who tends to gardens. Heehee.
@kyels: Garden s'marden. We only get harvest as long as them dirty crows don't see them fruits (we regularly lost plenty of juicy jambu air to them freaking birds!). :D
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